Dry pet food relies on high-quality processed animal proteins and animal fats for balanced nutrition.

Dry pet food is a staple in pet nutrition due to its ease of use and comprehensive nutrient profile. Here's an in-depth look at dry pet food and the role of processed animal proteins and fats:'.

Role of Processed Animal Proteins and Fats

  • Animal Proteins: Provide essential amino acids for muscle development and overall health.

  • Animal Fats: Supply energy and essential fatty acids for skin, coat, and cellular functions.

Uses in Dry Pet Food

  • Nutrient-Rich: Processed animal proteins and fats are key components in dry food, providing essential nutrients.

  • Palatability: Fats enhance the flavour and appeal of dry pet food.

  • Balanced Diet: These ingredients help achieve a complete and balanced diet for pets.


  • High Quality: Ensures the dry pet food meets the dietary needs of pets.

  • Sustainability: Utilises animal by-products, contributing to a circular economy.

  • Compliance: Meets stringent EU regulations for safety and quality.

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