An electronic system used in the EU to track and monitor the movement of animal by-products (ABPs) throughout their life cycle ensuring safety and regulatory compliance.

TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System) plays an important role in the life cycle of animal by-products (ABPs) – the system provides a comprehensive electronic overview of the monitoring, tracing and management of the movement of these materials in the European Union. If you need to know the details, keep on reading.

Key functions of TRACES in the life cycle of ABPs

  • Registration and documentation: All entities involved in the handling, processing and shipping of ABPs must be registered in the TRACES system. This includes processing plants, traders and shipping companies. Detailed documentation is maintained in the system, which records every transaction and movement of ABPs – from their collection to final processing or disposal.

  • Real-time tracking: TRACES provides real-time tracking of ABP shipments throughout the EU. This ensures that their entire journey is transparent and can be tracked by the relevant authorities. Each shipment is assigned a unique identification number that allows accurate tracking and tracing throughout the supply chain.

  • Compliance and safety: The system ensures compliance with EU regulations – i.e. all ABP movements must meet the necessary health and safety standards. It helps to monitor critical control points in the life cycle of ABPs. This ensures that processing plants comply with the required treatment protocols and that shipping conditions are safe and hygienic.

  • Messages and alerts: TRACES provides comprehensive reporting and generates detailed reports on the movement and handling of ABPs. These reports are necessary for regulatory audits and compliance inspections. The system can alert the relevant authorities and stakeholders in the event of detection of any discrepancies or non-compliance – this enables immediate corrective action.

  • International trade: For ABPs exported or imported from outside the EU, TRACES facilitates the necessary certification and documentation processes. This ensures that all international movements of ABPs comply with EU regulations and the requirements of the destination country.