Regulation (EU) No. 142/2011
It establishes detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 on animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption. It ensures safety and traceability in the EU.
Regulation (EU) No. 142/2011 supplements and provides the necessary detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 and lays down specific measures to ensure the safe handling, transport, processing and disposal of animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption – across all EU Member States. Together, these regulations form a comprehensive system for the management of animal by-products – ensuring safety, public health protection and maximum sustainability.
Key elements of Regulation (EU) No. 142/2011 include:
Scope and objectives:
- This regulation describes in detail the specific requirements and procedures for the enforcement of Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009. It aims to ensure safe and effective management of animal by-products, to protect public and animal health and the environment.
Detailed procedures and standards:
Collection and shipping: It establishes the necessary standards for the collection and shipping of animal by-products, including requirements for vehicles, containers and identification labels to prevent cross-contamination.
Processing methods: It specifies approved processing methods such as rendering, composting, biogas production and incineration – along with the conditions each method must meet to ensure pathogen inactivation.
Health and safety standards: It establishes criteria for hygiene, biological safety and safety in the handling and processing of animal by-products.
Categorization and identification:
It provides detailed descriptions for the categorization of animal by-products into Category 1, 2 and 3 materials, thereby ensuring consistent classification across the EU.
It imposes an obligation to correctly label and color code containers and packaging according to the category of material they contain.
Documentation and traceability:
Commercial documents: It requires the use of standardized commercial documents for all shipments of animal by-products, detailing the nature, origin and destination of the materials.
Health certificates: It specifies the circumstances under which health certificates must be issued and the information they must contain.
Record keeping: It introduces comprehensive record-keeping requirements to ensure the traceability of animal by-products from origin to final use or disposal.
Use and disposal:
It clarifies the permissible use of derived products such as pet food, organic fertilizers, technical products and biogas production.
It establishes methods for the safe disposal of high-risk materials, including incineration and landfilling. It also ensures the protection of the environment.