Category 3 animal by-products (Category 3 ABPs) represent the lowest risk and are often used in the production of livestock feed and pet food. PEPITO focuses specifically on Category 3 animal fat rendering, the result of which is high-quality processed animal fats and proteins.

What is included in Category 3 ABPs?

Category 3 includes materials that have a low risk and are safe for the production of pet food, livestock feed, biofuels, and other products:

  • Parts of slaughtered animals: which are fit for human consumption, but not intended for it for commercial reasons.
  • Animal by-products from food production: foods originally intended for human consumption that are no longer so intended.
  • Products of animal origin: such as milk, milk-based products, and eggs, that are no longer intended for human consumption.
  • Former food: food products of animal origin or containing products of animal origin that are no longer intended for human consumption for commercial reasons or due to defects that do not pose a risk to human health.

Processing and handling methods

Processing and handling of Category 3 materials of animal origin (ABPs) must follow strict procedures to ensure safety and regulatory compliance:

Collection and transport

  1. Special containers: Category 3 materials must be collected and transported in suitable and correctly labeled containers.
  2. Labeling: Each container must be clearly labeled for the relevant category of ABPs to prevent accidental misuse. In the European Union, containers transporting Category 3 animal by-products (ABPs) must be labeled in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009 and Commission Regulation (EU) No. 142/2011. According to these regulations, containers and vehicles for transporting Category 3 ABPs must be labeled with a visible and legible inscription “Not for human consumption” or “Not for human consumption – Category 3 animal by-products”. This labeling must be clearly visible and legible during the entire transport process to avoid confusion with products intended for human consumption.


  • Processing method: PEPITO specializes in the rendering of Category 3 animal fats and their conversion into processed animal fats and processed animal proteins. 

Uses of processed animal fats and proteins

Industry Use
Pet food Provides essential nutrients and enhances palatability in formulations (commonly for dogs and cats).
Livestock feed Used in feed to provide a rich source of protein.
Biofuels Rendered fats can be processed into biodiesel, a renewable energy source.
Biogas production Some by-products are used in the anaerobic digestion process to produce biogas as a sustainable energy source.
Cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry Some by-products, such as rendered tallow or lard, are used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, where they serve as essential raw materials.

Regulations and quality control

Ensuring the safety and quality of Category 3 animal by-products is crucial. The EU has established strict regulations for overseeing the production and use of these products:

  • Traceability: All raw materials and final products must be traceable back to their origin.
  • Hygiene standards: To prevent contamination during processing, the EU requires strict hygiene practices.
  • Microbiological testing: Regular pathogen testing to ensure product safety.
  • Compliance: Adherence to EU regulations governing the processing and use of Category 3 materials.

Environmental impact

Processing Category 3 materials significantly contributes to environmental sustainability – transforming by-products into valuable proteins and fats, reducing waste, and supporting the circular economy. These values align with the goals of PEPITO.

Related Products

Beef tallow

Free fatty acids 0,6% - 5% FFA
Category cat. 3 (ABP)

Pork lard

Free fatty acids 0,6 - 5% FFA
Category cat. 3 (ABP)

Mixed fat

Free fatty acids max. 5% FFA
Category cat. 3 (ABP)

Poultry fat

Free fatty acids max. 5% FFA
Category cat. 3 (ABP)

Poultry meal 68P

Crude protein min. 68%
Category cat. 3 (ABP)