Method 5 ABP processing involves specific procedures for treating animal by-products to ensure they are safely managed and utilised according to EU regulations.

Method 5 ABP processing, as defined by EU regulations, is essential for managing animal by-products (ABP) effectively. This method includes:

  • Particle Size Reduction: Animal by-products must be reduced to a particle size no greater than 20 millimetres using appropriate equipment. The effectiveness of the equipment must be checked daily, and the condition recorded. If larger particles are found, the process must be stopped, and repairs made before resuming​​​​.

  • Heat Treatment and Pressing: After size reduction, the animal by-products must be heated until they coagulate. Following this, the material is pressed to remove fat and water from the proteinaceous material. The proteinaceous material must then be heated further to achieve specific core temperatures:

    • Greater than 100°C for at least 60 minutes

    • Greater than 80°C for at least 120 minute 

  • Batch or Continuous Systems: The processing can be carried out in either batch or continuous systems, allowing flexibility in operations​​.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to these processing standards ensures that the treated ABP is safe for its intended use, whether for energy production, fertilisers, or other technical applications.

Method 5 ensures the safe and effective treatment of ABP, minimising risks to public and animal health and adhering to stringent EU regulations.